Saturday, August 11, 2012

5 months

5 Months (very belated... but wanted to post before 6 months gets here!)

Claire -
• We went on your first airplane flight to Spokane (to visit our BFF’s Darci & Ruby), and you are a great traveler… of course. The only part you didn’t like was when the plane would start going fast down the runway you would scream, but as soon as we got off the ground you were fine.
• You love animals… especially dogs. You met Ruby’s dog Moses in Spokane and would start cracking up laughing every time he came up to you, and you wanted to pet him so badly. You also love monkey’s…. since your dad got a monkey puppet that he plays with you and it makes you laugh every time.
• You are growing and eating a ton… but are still our little peanut. At 4 ½ months the doctor weighed you at 13 lbs (which was about 15th percentile), and you are about 80th percentile in height.
• Rolling over is old news now, with you going back to front and front to back pretty easily… so now when you sleep, you roll to your tummy and sleep with your knees under you and bum in the air.
• We planned to wait to give you “solid foods” until 6 months… but you have been super hungry lately and really acting like you want what we are eating. So far we have tried some pureed sweet potatoes, carrots, apples and pears which you loved, and bananas and peas which you hated (but I think we’ll try them again in a few weeks… maybe you’ll change your mind).
• You are still the happiest girl around and hanging out with you is the best part of my day every day.

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