Wednesday, April 25, 2012

2 months!

Our little Claire is 2 months old and I can't believe it. These 8 weeks have flown by... and at the same time it seems so long ago since she was born and as if she has always been part of our little family.

2 Month notes for Claire:
  1. Height/Weight - the official doctors appointment is tomorrow for your 2 month checkup (but on our scale at home you are an estimated 11.5 lbs)
  2. You have finally let us sleep for 6 hours in a row (not every night yet... but for 3 nights last week! Hoping this becomes a trend soon)
  3. You smile at us all the time now when we smile a you, especially in the mornings.
  4. Hats finally fit you (besides the one newborn size hat we had)... so now that it's getting close to summer we have lots of warm hats to put on you... haha.
  5. You are the tiniest baby in our PEPS group, and we think you are going to be one social butterfly as soon as you can start talking! You are already starting to make sounds all the time. 
  6. You still won't have anything to do with a binky most of the time, but love sucking on your hand now especially in the last week or so. 
  7. The TV screen is entirely too interesting right now (you might take after your mom on this one) - and we both love watching the Today show in the morning while we get up for the day
  8. Your head/neck is getting so strong and you can hold it up pretty well now. It still bobs back and forth sometimes though as you are trying to balance, and we call you our little Gila Monster. 
  9. Walking in your carrier or riding in the car both still put you right to sleep. 
  10. You hate having the sun in your face (lucky for you living in Seattle this isn't too common yet), but we are working to get you used to wearing your sunglasses so hopefully that will help! 

2 month photo shoot: 

A couple more recent pictures from last week

Chewing her hand, a typical pose these days

Done taking pictures! 


Happy Baby

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