Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Furnace project update

Well, our furnace project in the basement is finally done. The old one was removed, and a new one installed. The gas line was also moved, and the duct work replaced (and some of it moved to make room for our new staircase that will be built). We are so excited to move on to more projects now....Matt has already begun building some of the new walls (more of that later)!

Here is a look at our old furnace. I'm pretty sure it could qualify as an antique!

Hmm... apparently the furnace had not been cleaned since 1994? Hopefully that wasn't correct and the sticker just wasn't updated, haha. Oh well, we have a new one now anyways!

And here is a look at the new one!

Looking forward to having a much more efficient house this winter once we need heat (it should save us almost $300-500 per year we estimate on gas bills), and it has a feature we didn't have before that circulates the air from downstairs to upstairs.... so even though we dont have AC we can cool down the house in the summer with the cool basement air. 

Overall, the project including the new furnace plus installation cost us about $5,500. We should be able to get a rebate on the new efficient furnace though, which will be nice to get somewhere close to $1,000 of that back!

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