Thursday, October 7, 2010

More on the stairs...

We finally had our new stairs built this last week, we actually hired someone to do this, rather than spending 3 or 4 weekends of our own trying to do it ourselves.... and probably ending up with crooked stairs. =)

Pretty excited to have these in... even though they dont have all the finishings yet (they'll be carpeted once we get to that point in the basement and carpet the downstairs also).... they are great. We made them wider and deeper than the old stairs, so they aren't so steep going down the stairs. And like I've mentioned before, they are now facing the opposite direction going downstairs and now the bottom of the stairs will be into the living room in the basement rather than the hallway by the bathroom.

Matt removing the railing around the old stairs, and taking out the electrical.

Brand new stairs

1 comment:

Loly said...

Hai, how are you? I like to read your blog post.
