Sunday, January 1, 2012

Mirror Mirror

I knew I wanted to put a mirror up on one of the walls in the nursery, so it was just a matter of finding the right one to go with our grey/white/yellow decor. It couldn't be too huge since the largest wall has all the decals on it, and the second largest wall has the crib ( I didn't want the mirror hanging above the crib), so it would hang on a small area by the french doors and the entrance to the room.

Not finding any mirrors that were just perfect (or that weren't over $100), I thought I could instead find an old unique looking mirror and refinish it instead.

For a fantastic $30, I found this beauty at a antique store in West Seattle, and I knew with a little paint it could look really cool for the babies room. Well after taping off the glass and using a $2 can a glossy yellow spray paint from Home Depot... I think the finished product turned out pretty good!


and After...

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